Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Dance Partner

"Come close to God, and God will come close to you."         -James 4:8

Have you ever felt like you were living in a hostile environment in your own home?  Being the mother of four, it happens-especially between my two middle children.

He's seven and she's four, and both of them have their mother's stubborn will, need to be independent, and fiery spirit.  They love each other and they fight like mad.

This was the way of things a few days ago.  We'd been cooped up inside with the abnormally cold temps and a few snow days, and everyone was going crazy.  Sure enough, pretty soon there was shouting...and I don't mean a little and then it was done; we're talking top of the lungs, fill the house, and echoing shouts of anger.

As is the norm in our house, it was followed by two sides to the story.  But when I asked them to take a break from each other for awhile, neither wanted to.  They knew they needed each other to have a playmate, to make the day good.

About ten minutes later, I walked into the living room to see my son with a plastic rose in his mouth, twirling effortlessly around the room in a ballroom dance with his delighted four year old sister.  They were both proud, steady, strong, and peaceful as I watched without them knowing.  He spun her around and under his arm and then pulled her back into his arms and began stepping in one direction again.

When they saw me, they stopped and smiled with glee, and then continued with the show-filling the whole house with music, love, happiness, and relief.


Sometimes life makes you want to shout at the top of your lungs.  It can be hostile.  It can provoke deep anger.  It can feel out of control and bring out the worst in you.

But there is a sure-footed, peaceful, strong partner that asks you to dance on a daily basis and all you have to do is accept the dance and take His arm.

God loves you.  He is a strong leader.  Whatever it is that pulls at your head and heart, making you anxious, angry, sad, scared, or matter how stubborn your will, or how many times your independent spirit has turned him down,  if you draw close to the one who loves you, he will take you in his arms and lead you in a perfect dance.

Take His arm.

Let go of your need of control and let Him lead you down the life He intended for you.  Dance through each day with peace and relief.

Let Him hold you close.

"Come close to God, and God will come close to you."