Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There's a Grizzly Bear Chasing Me

"The Lord is my light and my salvation-so why should I be afraid?  The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?"  -Psalm 27:1

When I was pregnant with my son, the first of four, my parents took our whole family to spend a week at Glacier National Park in Montana.  I had put on 100 pounds and was 8+ months pregnant.  It was the end of July and it was hot.  We crammed 8 adults into a Yukon Denali and drove the 20 or so hours from Iowa to Montana...stopping more frequently than wanted to accommodate the pregnant lady.

A couple of days into our stay, we went on a family hike up the mountain.  Now, I am a very stubborn and determined girl (probably even more so when I am pregnant), and I refused to be left behind with my feet up.  So...we all went.  About eight miles up the mountain, I had gone about as far as my body could take.  My mom being the worry wart and extremely selfless person that she is turned around with me while the others continued on.

When we got to the bottom of the mountain, we stopped in front of the chalet to soak our feet in the lake.  It was about 100 degrees that day so the water felt great to relax and the view was amazing.  We enjoyed our conversation while a family swam next to us and 20-30 tourists with binoculars stood at the  side of a dirt road watching for bears up the mountainside.

Pretty soon, the mother of the kids next to us starting speaking loudly in a foreign language and all of them scurried up to the chalet.  Interesting, but we paid no mind and continued enjoying our paradise.  A few minutes later a gal in her twenties with a camera around her neck walked briskly by and said, "You really ought to be more careful," as she passed.  Hmmmm...we looked at each other dumbfounded.  Careful of what?  We could see the bears meandering around about halfway up the mountain and we were well away from the road.

That's when we looked out at the lake.  Nothing jumps fear into the heart quicker than looking out at a lake of glass and seeing two black eyes, a long nose, and brown, fuzzy ears 15 feet away coming at you like a shark fin.  A pregnant lady has never moved so fast!  My mom and I had time to grab our shoes and get up the five feet of rock by the lake and the 500 lb. grizzly was shaking water off of him right where we were sitting.

Fortunately, a ranger happened upon him (and us) at that moment and the proper people chased him safely up the mountain.  We returned safely to the balcony of the chalet where (out of sight from us at the lake) hundreds of people had been watching the grizzly swim and the ranger had been ready for him.  (No doubt the crazy pregnant lady and her mother are on a youtube video I don't know about.)

Did we feel foolish?  Of course.  Were we thankful for coming out of it unharmed?  Of course.  Does it make a great story to tell?  YES!

Especially because I think we all can relate.

In our lives, every day, there are grizzly bears coming after us.  People and things that will harm us and cause us pain.  So many times, we miss the warnings and end up in a place no one would want to be.  Hurt...scared...panicking.

But God waits for us...patiently knowing that we need him.  In these moments of fear when we are under attack, we only need to turn to the one who can give us shelter and safety...the one who knows our pain, and we need not be afraid.

Wherever you are in life. Whatever big or small things cause you anxiety and shelter in the God who loves you and can keep you safe from harm.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dear 7th Grade Girls

"What is the price of 5 sparrows?  Couple of pennies?  Yet God does not forget a single one of them.  The very hairs on your head are all numbered so don't be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows."  -Luke 12:6-7

"Don't just pretend to love others, really love them.  Hate what is wrong.  Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other."  Romans 12:9-10

So many moments we have as teachers give us the opportunity to impact our students.  This year, more than ever,  I found myself feeling as if I couldn't say what I wanted to.'s what they said, what I said, and what I would have said if I could have...

7th grade girls, I heard you say:

I can't.  My legs are too chubby.  She has better hair than me.  I'm not eating lunch today.  It's okay, she knows I am joking.  We're not friends.  My parents wouldn't understand.  I'm too ugly.  It's okay, she's always like that.  I know I'll drink in high school.  We can't work together.  I'm not good enough to do that.  I'm going to fail.  No one will listen.  Who cares.  People will laugh.  I hate school.  My lunch table is mean to me.  I have no friends.  People don't like me.  I'm fat.  She's fat.  I'm not in the popular group.  She's a nerd.  Please don't sit me next to her.

What I said:

Try.  I like your outfit today.  Your hair looks nice.  Go eat something.  It's still not acceptable in my classroom.  Love each other.  Try talking to them.  You're not ugly.  It's not okay with me.  Not appropriate.  Learn to work together.  Try.  You might with that attitude.  I'm listening.  People care.  No they won't.  I'm sorry to hear that.  Could you sit with someone else today?  I doubt that.  People like you.  You're not fat.  Be nice.  It won't always be like this.  She's smart, there's a difference.  Be respectful.

What I wanted to say:

You are beautiful, smart, funny, and talented and God loves you.  He made you perfect inside and out.  When you feel like you don't belong, when you feel like you have no friends, when you feel like you can't do something, when you lack confidence in yourself, Jesus is there.  In this life, people will put you down.  They will hurt your feelings.  They will belittle your self-worth and diminish your confidence.  You will feel like an outsider.  You will have moments where you feel inadequate, ugly, dumb, fat, and insignificant.  It is not true.  They are not correct.  Whatever you do, beautiful girl, don't add to it.  Don't let the voice in your head be the one telling you that you can't do something, that you're ugly, that you're insignificant...that's a lie.  And don't be the voice that says these things to others.  Instead, know that you are a perfect child of God and he loves you and cherishes you.  You have value.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Grace vs. Grumbling

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up."  -1 Thessalonians 5:11

"Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you know how to answer everyone." -Colossians 4:6

I never used to consider myself to be a negative person.  I'm mostly a glass half-full kind of gal, but a couple of years ago I was teaching in a different district and a co-worker came to me needing to vent about the terrible morning she had had.  (And it was.)  I felt really bad for how things had gone and she was needing someone to listen, but instead of trying to encourage her, I responded by telling her about the awful morning that I had had.  (And it was.)

I will never forget her response.  She looked at me and said, "I can never win with you."
She was very pleasant and we continued with a great working relationship and friendship, but the conversation has always haunted me. Why did I need to one-up her?  Why couldn't I just show her the compassion she needed and encourage her to get through her day?  Instead I had put my own needs first and I hadn't helped her at all.

People need encouragement.  People need grace.  God wants us to show love to those around us, to build our neighbors up.

I have an aunt who is a remarkable woman of grace.  She always thinks of others first and reaches out to them with a card, words of encouragement, and unbelievable thoughtfulness.  The way she loves others is one of the most heroic things I have had the privilege to witness.  I have always wanted to be like her.

It is a choice how you treat others.  Which one will you be?  The person who reaches out to your neighbor with grace and encouragement?  Or the person who adds to their misery, complaining and whining about your own needs.

Though I am not perfect, I will forever strive to be a woman of grace; thankful to those around me who have done the same.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Signs-Do you believe in them?

"Call to me and I shall answer you; and show you great and mighty things..."  -Jeremiah 33:3

There are times when I cry out to God for help and I don't get the answer I am looking for.  How do you keep the faith when that happens?  You remember that God has brought you through everything you've struggled with in the past and that he promises to never leave you in the future.  You look for little signs around you to assure you that he is in control.

Life sure can be heavy.  Sometimes situations arise that are the result of poor decisions and we have to face the consequences.  More often, things happen to us that are completely out of our control.  Either way, God loves us and does not cause the pain.  Nor does he want to see us in pain.  In fact, it is in these moments that I most often feel God's presence with me.  He comes to me in my circumstances and reminds me that I am not alone.  Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes I have to really look for it....but it always comes.  When these things happen to you...these little "coincidences"...over and over again, you begin to realize that they are too intentional, too perfect, too purposeful to be random occurrences.  You know that God is speaking directly to you and it gives you such a sense of peace that it is near-impossible to continue feeling desperate.

One of the most obvious I have experienced happened this past spring.  My little family was picnicking at a local state park and I was so overcome by "life" that I was really struggling to be in the moment.  I have always been the one to climb onto the playground equipment, play tag, hide 'n' seek, etc, but on this occasion I was feeling so desperate that I couldn't will myself to laugh and play with my kids.  In addition to this, I felt so guilty for not being able to pull myself out of it that I began to beat myself up about my failure as a mother.  Many moms feel so exhausted at the end of the day that they don't always have the energy, but this was different.  I had energy, just no will.  In fact, I walked away from the playground leaving them with my hubby and headed into the woods by myself.

Nature has always been my praying place and I found myself sobbing to Jesus for help.
"Jesus, I can't do this.  Please help."  (Simple is usually how I end up praying when it comes from the heart)  I began repeating those words over and over again.

Not a second went by and a cardinal was in view.  I questioned the coincidence.  (Many signs for people come from birds that mean something to birds, eagles, HUMMINGBIRDS...cardinals have always had a place in my heart as well.)  While the timing was perfect, it could still be least until I witnessed what happened next.

The beautiful, red bird began to sing and I stood and listened.  Then the bird flew back to the start of the woods.  I followed.  The bird flew to a tree closer to the playground.  I followed.  Believing now that it wasn't coincidence, I went and got my family and we walked back over to the tree where I pointed it out to each of my children.  The bird didn't budge even when my always-too-loud family began running around.  It just sang its song, uninhibited by our presence.  After awhile, my kids lost interest and wandered back to the swings and slides.

Wait for it now...the bird followed them and perched itself on top of the swings, right with my children!  Flabbergasted, I said aloud, "Okay Jesus, thanks for the sign.  I'm here now."  I smiled and began to play with my family.  The bird stayed for awhile before perching on our picnic table and singing for a few minutes then moving back to its tree.  It continued to serenade us the remainder of our time at the park and just to pack a punch, flew by in front of our vehicle as we left the parking lot.  (I know you're thinking "yeah right" but trust me, I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to.)

As I think about the reassuring love of a savior, I am overwhelmed by his patience with my doubting spirit and his unending promises to never leave.  If you find yourself in any circumstance where you feel desperate, cry out.  I can assure you he hears you.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Velveteen Rabbit

"Though you have not seen him, you love him.  Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory."  -1 Peter 1:8

"There is salvation in no one else!  There is no other name in all of heaven for people to call on to save them."  -Acts 4:12

{Jesus speaking}  "Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me.  And because they love me, my Father will love them, and I will love them.  And I will reveal myself to each one of them."  -John 14:21

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."   -John 15:5

I grew up a PK. (Pastor's Kid) This means that I grew up in the church.  My dad is an amazing person, pastor, dad, etc.  He has a way of telling people about the love and hope of Jesus that reaches people.  God truly has gifted him and speaks through him.

In spite of this surrounding me while growing up, I am human.  I make choices and have lived my life in my own little bubble.  Life has been mine to control.  I have always believed that Jesus was God's son, but I didn't really feel the impact of that until...well until I opened my eyes and saw the truth-that Jesus wanted more than just my belief in him.  He wanted a relationship with me....a bonding, communicating, tangible relationship.

I have friends, children, and a husband that I have this conversation with on a regular basis.  For whatever reason, they were, at one point, where I was.  Believing in the truth, but not understanding  that a real relationship was possible with Jesus.  Some just practice religion and think that if they show up on Sunday and do their part, that it is enough.

If this is you, I am not here to tell you that you are wrong or that you are not going to go to heaven.  God says that all we have to do is believe AND I am not the ultimate judge or going to pretend to be God.  I am just saying YOU COULD HAVE SO MUCH MORE!

How? And what difference would it make?

Do you remember reading The Velveteen Rabbit as a child?

The toy rabbit wants so much to be real and asks the horse how this happens:

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse.  "It's a thing that happens to you.  When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

Having a relationship with Jesus is like becoming real in the story.  The more time you spend with Jesus-talking, praying, studying his word, spending time with other believers-the more real and tangible your relationship becomes.  How does this benefit you?  Try it.  You'll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.  

You don't have to say anything fancy.  Just breathe, pause and talk to him.  Slowly you will begin to understand the impact it has in every moment of your life.  It is in this relationship that you can find joy, peace, strength, endurance, and the truest form of love.  Until you know the love of Jesus, it is impossible for you to truly love others with complete abandonment.  The transformation is astounding.  

Jesus longs for you to seek him.  What are you waiting for?  Whatever you have pressing on you...whatever is stressful...whatever you can't let go of...whatever you need help with...this is the answer.