Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Grace vs. Grumbling

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up."  -1 Thessalonians 5:11

"Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you know how to answer everyone." -Colossians 4:6

I never used to consider myself to be a negative person.  I'm mostly a glass half-full kind of gal, but a couple of years ago I was teaching in a different district and a co-worker came to me needing to vent about the terrible morning she had had.  (And it was.)  I felt really bad for how things had gone and she was needing someone to listen, but instead of trying to encourage her, I responded by telling her about the awful morning that I had had.  (And it was.)

I will never forget her response.  She looked at me and said, "I can never win with you."
She was very pleasant and we continued with a great working relationship and friendship, but the conversation has always haunted me. Why did I need to one-up her?  Why couldn't I just show her the compassion she needed and encourage her to get through her day?  Instead I had put my own needs first and I hadn't helped her at all.

People need encouragement.  People need grace.  God wants us to show love to those around us, to build our neighbors up.

I have an aunt who is a remarkable woman of grace.  She always thinks of others first and reaches out to them with a card, words of encouragement, and unbelievable thoughtfulness.  The way she loves others is one of the most heroic things I have had the privilege to witness.  I have always wanted to be like her.

It is a choice how you treat others.  Which one will you be?  The person who reaches out to your neighbor with grace and encouragement?  Or the person who adds to their misery, complaining and whining about your own needs.

Though I am not perfect, I will forever strive to be a woman of grace; thankful to those around me who have done the same.

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